QR-Code Paperless Menu for Restaurants

Discover the future of dining with QRHut! Effortlessly offer your guests a seamless, paperless, and contact-free dining experience. Create your digital menu with our free QR code service today and take your restaurant to the next level!

Create QR Menu Now
Trusted by 2000+ restaurants worldwide
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About QR Menu

What is a QR Menu

A QR Menu is a modern, contactless solution to traditional physical menus in restaurants and cafes. By employing Quick Response (QR) code technology, establishments can offer their guests access to their menus digitally. Customers simply scan the QR code using their smartphone camera, and a digital menu is displayed on their device, providing a seamless and hygienic dining experience. This innovative solution not only aligns with the ongoing need for safety measures but also caters to the growing preference for digital interaction among customers. QR Menus signify a shift towards more interactive, eco-friendly, and efficient dining services, transforming how establishments connect with their customers.

How It Works

Create Your Menu

First, create a digital version of your menu. This can be a PDF, a photo, a web page, or any digital format that suits your needs.

Generate QR Code

Using QRHut, upload your menu, and our service will generate a unique QR code linked directly to your digital menu. You have the option to customize the design of your QR code to match your brand identity.

Display Your QR Code

Place the QR codes strategically around your establishment – on tables, at the entrance, or in the waiting area, making it easily accessible for customers to scan.

Scan and Discover

Guests use their smartphone cameras to scan the QR code, which promptly directs them to your digital menu. There, they can browse through your offerings, just as they would with a traditional menu, but now through their own device.

Update Anytime

Should your menu change, simply update the digital file linked to your QR code. There's no need to generate a new QR each time, ensuring that your menu remains evolving without additional costs or waste.

Why Should You Use QR Menu?

The QR Menu system is a smart, forward-thinking choice for any restaurant or cafe looking to modernize its service, improve customer satisfaction, and maintain operational efficiency. It's more than just a menu; it's a new way to connect with your customers and streamline your services in this digital age.


Cut down on printing costs and waste. Digital menus can be updated anytime without the need for reprints, saving you money and resources in the long run.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Empower your customers with immediate access to your menu, including the latest updates on specials and availability, without having to wait for a server.

Operational Efficiency

Streamline your operations by reducing the time spent on printing and distributing menus, allowing your staff to focus on providing superior service elsewhere.

Insights and Analytics

Track how often and when your menus are accessed via QR scans and gain valuable insights into customer preferences and behaviors, enabling you to tailor your offerings more effectively.


Here's what our customers said

Transitioning to a digital menu with QRHut was seamless and cost-effective. Huge plus for customer satisfaction!

Alex H.
The Gourmet Bistro

Our customers love the contact-free menus! It's fantastic not having to reprint menus constantly.

Sara L.
Café Tranquilo

After adopting QR Menu, we've cut our operational costs by simplifying operations and boosting efficiency.

Giuseppe P.
Bella’s Pizzeria

Frequently Asked Questions

This FAQ section aim to cover the most common inquiries from users considering integrating QR code menus into their restaurant services. If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to us.


Each plan includes a free 30-day trial to test our service, and you can cancel anytime.


  • Unlimited scans
  • 3 menu updates per month
  • One restaurant
Try for Free

Standard 👍

  • Unlimited scans
  • Unlimited menu updates
  • Up to 5 Restaurants
  • User Management
Try for Free


  • Unlimited scans
  • Unlimited menu updates
  • Up to 100 Restaurants
  • User Management
  • Analytics
Try for Free

Ready to elevate your dining service with a paperless and eco-friendly digital menu?

Join QRHut and transform your restaurant experience today!

QRHut is your go-to solution for free, easy-to-use QR code menus, designed to modernize restaurant experiences with contactless, paperless, eco-friendly digital menus. Facilitating seamless updates, operational efficiency, and enhanced customer satisfaction, QRHut is dedicated to transforming how guests interact with your menu. Simple, swift, and secure, embrace the future of dining today with QRHut's innovative service.
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